BCCC Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program

Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act of 1989: Federal law requires that institutions of higher education provide students and employees with a copy of the written policies and law related to drugs and alcohol.

Beaufort County Community College clearly prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or as a part of any of its activities.

To obtain information on applicable laws, the health risks associated with drug and alcohol use, available resources, and College Substance Use Policies for students and/or employees, please use the listed links below.

Quick Links for DAAPP components and resources:

BCCC Student Code of Conduct:

BCCC’s Drug and Alcohol Prevention Policies and Procedures:



Federal and State Drug and Alcohol Laws:

Health Risks Associated with Substance Use:

Good Samaritan Regulation:

Local and National Resources:

Local Resources

National Resources